Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Homework-September 30, 2014

 Homework- 09/30/2014

Use the edits from your classmate that you received today in class. Create a final draft using your rough draft and the edits from your classmate. Return both copies to class tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Homework-Monday September 29, 2014

Homework 09/29/2014

Reflect on the debate from earlier today in class. Identify TWO reasons Junior should have stayed on the reservation and TWO reasons why he was right to leave. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Homework-Tuesday, September 23,2014

Homework 09/23/2014

Write two reasons why you enjoyed the book "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" and two reasons why you did not enjoy the book. 

We will use this information to write literary reviews of "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" tomorrow. If you bring in your H.W. you will get a piece of candy during "Do Now" time. 

See you tomorrow! :) 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Homework-Monday September 22, 2014

Homework 09/22/14
Answer the following questions using what you learned today from the charter descriptions and cartoons. 

1) Who said, "When I first started teaching here, that's what we did to the rowdy ones, you know? We beat them."

a.) Arnold 

b.) Rowdy 

C.) Mr. P

2)Who asked, "Who has the most hope?"?

a.)Mary Spirit 

b.) Grandmother Spirit

c.)Arnold (Junior)

3)Who"is the toughest kid on the rez"?

a.) Arnold (Junior)

b.) Rowdy

c.) Gordy

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Homework-Thursday September 18, 2014

Homework 09/18/2014

Describe a time when someone has used a racial slur or a disrespectful name towards you or someone you know. How can you react to someone using a racial slur or disrespectful term so they stop? 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Homework-Wednesday September 17,2014

Homework 09/17/2014

Pretend you are writing a letter to the owner of the Washington Redskins football team. Explain why you think the name "Redskins" is offensive and wrong. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Homework-Tuesday September 16, 2014

Homework 09/16/2014

Honor is respect that is given to someone who is admired.

Do you think that having Native American mascots for sports teams is honoring Native Americans or disrespecting them? Explain your answer.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Homework-Monday September 15, 2014

Homework 09/15/2014

Read the beginning of Chapter 8 from the book "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" and answer the following questions: 

1) What is the mascot of Rearden, the new school Junior decided to go to?

2) How do you think the mascot makes junior feel?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Homework-Thursday September 11, 2014

Homework 09/11/2014:
Answer the following questions-

1) What were the roles of the men and women in the spoken tribe? Describe. 

2) Describe the physical region in which the Spokane Tribe lived. 

See you tomorrow!

Homework- Friday September 12, 2014

Homework 09/12/14:

Please complete your map of the Physical Regions of the United States that was handed back to you in class.

If you did not get your map back that means you completed it in class.

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Homework-Wednesday September 10,2014

Homework 09/10/14

Please answer the following questions: 

1) Why do you think the Spokane tribe chose to live in the Intermountain Region?

2) What are some aspects of the spokane culture. List 3.

See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework- Monday September 8, 2014

Homework 09/08/2014:
Use your map from today's lesson and the descriptions of the physical regions to complete the following questions:

1) Make a list of 3 major cities in each of the Physical Regions.

2)What are the eight physical regions of the united States? Describe one feature of each. 

See you tomorrow! 

Homework- Tuesday September 9, 2014

Homework 09/09/2014:
Please use the packet that was handed out in class to complete the following questions: 

1) How does geography influence the way people live?

2)Pick a Physical Region in the United States that you want to live in. Explain why.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 5, 2014