Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Pre-Summer School HW Activities-June 27-28, 2017

πŸ’«Pre-Summer School HW Activities

Wonderful job this month reading and analyzing "The Fault In Our Stars" By John Green! Here is a list activities to stay active and engaged as we head into our small break in between the regular school year and the start of summer school! Please choose different things to focus on from what you have used for past break activities. Complete your level listed below.

Level 1: Complete 3 activities.
Level 2: Complete 5 activities.
Level 3:Complete 7 activities.

πŸ’₯Activity List πŸ’₯
1.) Find 3 pieces of art in your neighborhood. Sketch and/or describe the pieces of artwork.
2.) Draw a portrait of yourself using a mirror.
3.) Draw a portrait of someone in your family
4.) Draw a landscape of somewhere you have been.
5.) Draw a landscape of somewhere you want to go.
6.) Choose a current event and create a collage from a local newspaper
7.) Act out a scene from one of our books. Assign roles to your family members.
8.) Create alternate lyrics for your favorite song to relate to an event in your own life.
9.) Write an a critique of a show or a movie that you watch over break.
10.) Research different artists and decide on your favorite! Explain what you like about the artists and their artwork.

Please keep track of your activities to turn in when we return for summer school!

Thank you for such a wonderful year. You are all amazing people and it was an absolute pleasure to be your teacher!
Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________
Please leave any questions or comments below!

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

June 23, 2017

Reflect on our reading of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. Complete one of the levels 


Level 1: Describe your favorite project we completed during the month of June. 

Level 2: Describe your favorite project we completed during the month of June. Think of an art project you would like to complete in June. Use the space below to create an illustration describing the project you want to complete. 

Level 3: What are 3 things you liked most about this Months book and projects and 3 things you liked the least about this months book and projects. Explain why you liked or disliked each. 


Parent/Guardian Signature: 
Please leave any comments or questions you have 


Have a wonderful weekend! 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Homework-June 20, 2017

Ms. Stillwagon 
June 20, 2017 

Based on The Odyssey (Watch the summary video below!), continue to plan  your own epic poem by completing one of the levels below. Your epic poem should be based on your journey to your future! You are the hero of your own future! Continue to add detail to your epic poem and the details of your journey to the future. 


Level 3: 
Identify the different parts of ideal life at the end of your Journey when you get older.

Epic Poem Elements
The Return Home

Level 2:
Identify the different parts of ideal life at the end of your Journey when you get older.
Epic Poem Elements
The Return Home

What will your life
look like when you reach
your goals!?

Level 1: 

Identify the different parts of ideal life at the end of your Journey when you get older.
Epic Poem Elements
The Return Home

What will your life
look like when you reach
your goals!?


Parent/Guardian Signature :
Please Leave any comments or questions below!
Have a wonderful night! 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Homework-June 16, 2017

Ms. Stillwagon 
June 16, 2017 

Based on The Odyssey (Watch the summary video below!), continue to plan  your own epic poem by completing one of the levels below. Your epic poem should be based on your journey to your future! You are the hero of your own future! Continue to add detail to your epic poem and the details of your journey to the future. 


Level 3: 
Identify the different parts of your journey to become who you want to be when you get older. (Ex. Graduate High School, Apply for Job at ____)

Epic Poem Elements
The Journey

Level 2:
Identify the different parts of your journey to become who you want to be when you get older. (Ex. Graduate High School, Apply for Job at ____)
Epic Poem Elements
The Journey
What do you need to do 
to reach your goals when you graduate?

Level 1: 

Identify the different parts of your journey to become who you want to be when you get older. (Ex. Graduate High School, Apply for Job at ____).
Epic Poem Elements
The Journey
What do you 
need to do to 
reach your goals when you graduate?


Parent/Guardian Signature :
Please Leave any comments or questions below!
Have a wonderful night! 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Homework-June 14, 2017

Ms. Stillwagon 
June 14, 2017 

Based on The Odyssey (Watch the summary video below!), continue to plan  your own epic poem by completing one of the levels below. Your epic poem should be based on your journey to your future! You are the hero of your own future!


Level 3: 
Identify the key story elements of your epic poem in the chart below.

Epic Poem Elements
The Hero

The Task
(What do you want to become when you get older?)

The Hero’s Helpers
(Who will help you become who you want to be in the future?)

Level 2: Identify the key story elements of your epic poem in the chart below.

Epic Poem Elements
The Hero

The Task
(What do you want to become 
when you get older?)

The Hero’s Helpers
(Who will help you become who you 
want to be in the future?)

Level 1: 

Identify the key story elements of your epic poem in the chart below.
Epic Poem Elements
The Hero
(Who is the Main Character)

The Task
(What the main character
has to do)

The Hero’s Helpers
(Who will help you become who you want to be in the future?)

Parent/Guardian Signature :
Please Leave any comments or questions below!
Have a wonderful night! 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Homework-June 13, 2017

Ms. Stillwagon 
June 13, 2017 

Reflect on our reading of the novel "The Fault In Our Stars", the Epic poem "The Odyssey" in Collections and our first look at the big question: 

Do we determine our own fate or is it decided by an outside force?

Based on The Odyssey (Watch the summary video below!), continue to plan  your own epic poem by completing one of the levels below. 


Level 3: 
Identify the key story elements of your epic poem in the chart below.

Epic Poem Elements
The Hero

The Task

The Hero’s Helpers
(Outside Forces)



Return Home

Level 2: 

Identify the key story elements of your epic poem in the chart below.

Epic Poem Elements
The Hero
(Who is the Main Character)

The Task
(What the main character
has to do)

The Outside Forces
(Who and what helps 
the main character 
or gets in the way)

(How does the main 
character get back home)

Return Home
(What happens when the main
character gets home)

Level 1: 

Identify the key story elements of your epic poem in the chart below.
Epic Poem Elements
The Hero
(Who is the Main Character)

The Task
(What the main character
has to do)

The Outside Forces
(Who and what helps 
the main character 
or gets in the way)

(How does the main 
character get back home)

Return Home
(What happens when the main
character gets home)

Parent/Guardian Signature :
Please Leave any comments or questions below!
Have a wonderful night!