Thursday, December 20, 2018

Winter Break Homework Packet

💫Winter Break 2018💫
Wonderful job this month reading and analyzing "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"! Have a wonderful break and see you in 2019!

Level 1: Complete 1 activity a day
Level 2: Complete 2 activities a day
Level 3:Complete 3 activities a day

💥Activity List 💥
1.) Find 3 pieces of art in your neighborhood
2.) Draw a portrait of yourself using a mirror.
3.) Draw a portrait of someone in your family
4.) Draw a landscape of somewhere you have been.
5.) Draw a landscape of somewhere you want to go.
6.) Choose a current event and create a collage from a local newspaper
7.) Act out a scene from one of our books. Assign roles to your family members.
8.) Create alternate lyrics for your favorite song to relate to an event in your own life.
9.) Write an a critique of a show or a movie that you watch over break.
10.) Research different artists and decide on your favorite!

Have a wonderful, safe, and restful break!
Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________
Please leave any questions or comments below!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Homework-December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Homework-December 13, 2018

December 13, 2018

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Homework-December 12, 2018

December 12, 2018

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Homework-December 11, 2018

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

December 11, 2018

Based on our study of mascots and their affect on

 Native American's, write a letter to Junior's principal

 asking him to change Rearden's mascot by 

completing one of the levels below. 

Dear ___________________,

My name is ______________________, and I am a student at ______________________________.
a.) Rearden         b.) Wellpinit c.) MSCD    
I am reading about your school, __________________,
a.) Rearden         b.) Wellpinit c.) MSCD  
and the character __________________________,
a.) Felix         b.) Junior c.) Ms. Stillwagon   
who attends your school. I believe your mascot is _______________________.
a.) respectful b.) disrespectful c.) kind
to Junior, his family, and all Native Americans . I think you should change your mascot to __________________________.  It is ___________________________
a.) respectful b.) disrespectful c.) kind
to all groups of people and is a great mascot because ________________________________.
a.) strong      b.) fast c.) smart     d.) funny
Attached is my proposal for this new mascot. Thank you for your consideration.



Dear ___________________,

My name is ______________________, and I am a concerned student at ______________________________. I am reading about your school, __________________, and the character __________________________, who attends your school. I believe your mascot, the ___________________, is  _______________________. I believe your mascot is _________________________ and ________________________ to ___________________________. I think you should change your mascot to __________________________. It is ___________________________ to all groups of people and is a great mascot because ________________________________. Attached is my proposal for this new mascot. Thank you for your consideration.

Parent/Guardian Signature: 
Please leave any comments or questions you have 


Have a wonderful night! 

Homework-December 10, 2018

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

December 10, 2018

Level 1:
Look at the drawing of Arnold’s new school mascot. Then answer the questions below.
How do you think the Rearden Mascot makes Junior feel?

a.) Cool    b.) Embarrassed   C.) Confused

Group Work:  Circle the mascot below that you feel is not respectful to all groups of people.


Level 2:

Look at the drawing of Arnold’s new school mascot. Then answer the questions below.
How do you think “Rearden’s Inspiring Mascot” makes Arnold feel?

Group Work:  Label the mascot below that you feel is not respectful to all groups of people.


Level 3:
Look at the drawing of Arnold’s new school mascot. Then answer the questions below.
How do you think “Rearden’s Inspiring Mascot” makes Arnold feel? Explain.

Group Work:   Which mascot is respectful to all groups of people and which is not? Explain your answer.

Parent/Guardian Signature: 
Please leave any comments or questions you have 


Have a wonderful night!