Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Homework-March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016
Reflect on our study of Repetition in Persepolis. Complete one of the levels.
Level 1: How does Marjane Satrapi use repetition in her story telling?  

Level 2: How does Marjane Satrapi use repetition in her story telling?  How is repetition used in art? Give an example.  
Level 3: How does Marjane Satrapi use repetition in her story telling?  How is repetition used in art? Give an example. Tomorrow we will be looking at how Marjane uses Parallelism to address certain topics. Based on your math vocabulary, what do you think parallelism is?  
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If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!

Have a wonderful night J

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