August 2,2016
Level 1: Two text messages.
Level 2: Four text messages.
Level 3: Six text messages.
ROMEO opens the tomb to reveal JULIET
grave? Oh no! This is a lantern, dead Paris. Juliet lies here, and her beauty
fills this tomb with light. Dead men, lie there. You are being buried by
another dead man. (he lays PARIS in the tomb)
often are men happy right before they die! They call it the lightness before
death. Oh, how can I call this lightness? Oh, my love! My wife! Death has
sucked the honey from your breath, but it has not yet ruined your beauty. You
haven’t been conquered. There is still red in your lips and in your cheeks.
Death has not yet turned them pale. Tybalt, are you lying there in your bloody
death shroud? Oh, what better favor can I do for you than to kill the man who
killed you with the same hand that made you die young. Forgive me, cousin! Ah,
dear Juliet, why are you still so beautiful? Should I believe that death is in
love with you, and that the awful monster keeps you here to be his mistress? I
don’t like that idea, so I’ll stay with you. And I will never leave this tomb.
Here, here I’ll remain with worms that are your chamber-maids. Oh, I’ll rest
here forever. I’ll forget about all the bad luck that has troubled me. Eyes,
look out for the last time! Arms, make your last embrace! And lips, you are the
doors of breath. Seal with a righteous kiss the deal I have made with death
forever. (ROMEO kisses JULIET and takes out the poison)
Come, bitter poison, come, unsavory guide! You desperate pilot, let’s crash
this sea-weary ship into the rocks! Here’s to my love!
drinks the poison.
that pharmacist was honest! His drugs work quickly. So I die with a kiss.
ROMEO dies
Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________
Have a wonderful night! :)
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