Monday, March 16, 2015

Homework-Monday, March 16, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
Ms. Stillwagon 


Read the excerpt from an article from The Golbalist below. Then answer the questions at your appropriate level below. 
Just ban the West Africans!
Many radio and TV talk show hosts have constantly used fear to cause panic among voters. They argue that people from West Africa should be banned from coming to the United States. The only problem with that argument is that many West Africans have United States passports and can therefore not be banned from returning to the United States. Even President Obama has given in to the political pressure by appointing Ron Klain as the Ebola Response Coordinator, often dubbed Ebola Czar in Washington jargon. As health experts have constantly advised, the only way to stop Ebola from threatening the United States and other countries around the world is for the disease to be eradicated in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The U.S. army is now in Liberia, providing logistics and support to health workers so they can isolate and treat the sick. The British and other European nations are in neighboring Sierra Leone helping to set up treatment centers, while the French are taking the lead in Guinea.These efforts are bound to reduce the rate of infections soon. Eventually, these actions will end the terrible ordeal that has devastated the three countries. For the time being, the people of West Africa still need a lot of help as hundreds still get Ebola every day. More health workers are needed to help curb Ebola, and detaining returning health workers only has one predictable result: It will not help eradicate Ebola.
Level 1: Chose whether you agree or disagree that travel should be banned from West Africa to the United states.                                                                                                                                    Level 2: Chose whether you agree or disagree that travel should be banned from West Africa to the United states. Give one supporting reason why.                                                                                                                                                                            Level 3: Chose whether you agree or disagree that travel should be banned from West Africa to the United states. Give three supporting reasons why. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Have a wonderful night!! 

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