Thursday, March 2, 2017

Homework-March 2, 2017

March 2, 2017
**The previous nights HW had some errors that may have caused some confusion. 
The corrected version of the HW is below. Have a wonderful night!
Reflect on our introduction to our novel of the month "Persepolis" by Marjane Starpoli. Complete one of the levels below!

Level 3

Look at the image below of the main character Marji. Then answer the following questions.
  1. Why do you think Marji says “I really didn’t know what to think about the veil”?

  1. If you were to replace Marji with an image of yourself, what would the two sides of the image look like?

Level 2

Look at the image below of the main character Marji. Then answer the following questions.
  1. Describe the two sides of the image.

2.) If you were to replace Marji with an image of yourself, what would the two sides of the image look like?

Level 1

Look at the image below of the main character Marji. Then answer the following questions.

  1. Label the two sides of the image with one word to describe each side.


Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________
Please leave any questions or comments below!
Have a wonderful night! :)

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