Monday, December 12, 2016

Homework-December 8, 2017

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

December 7, 2016

Level 1:

Part 1: Describe someone at home in your own words. (3rd PERSON)

____________   is _______________________________.

____________   is _______________________________.

____________   is _______________________________.

Part 2: Now pretend you are that person describing yourself! (1st PERSON)

I am _________________________________________.

I am__________________________________________.

I am__________________________________________.

Level 2:

Part 1: Describe a person at home in your own words. (3rd PERSON)
Example:____________   is _______________________________.


Part 2: Now pretend you are the person describing yourself! (1st PERSON)
Example: I am _________________________________________.


Level 3:
Part 1: Describe a person at home in your own words. (3rd PERSON)

Part 2: Now pretend you are that person describing yourself! (1st PERSON)


Parent/Guardian Signature:________________ 
Please leave any comments or questions you have 


Have a wonderful night! 

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