Friday, January 30, 2015

Homework-Friday January 30, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Reflect on the different primary and secondary sources about Hiroshima that we have analyzed in class this past month. Pick the point of view you agree with most. Below, write a persuasive paragraph with supporting reasons for your choice. 

Level 1: Bullet 3 reasons explaining your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer.

Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Homework Thursday January 29, 2014

Social Studies/Art Homework 

In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Reflect on the different political cartoons and propaganda posters we have analyzed in class. Why are political cartoons and propaganda poster important art and social studies tools? How do they help us understand history better?

Level 1: Bullet 3 reasons explaining your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer.

Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Parent Signature:________________________________

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Homework-January 28, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
1/28/2015 Name:_______________________________

In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Look at the American Propaganda Posters  and Political Cartoons from World War II below. 

Level 1: Bullet 3 reasons explaining your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 

  1. Circle One:      Propaganda Poster                   Political Cartoon 

  1. What message is the poster or cartoon trying to send? 

  1. Circle One:      Propaganda Poster                   Political Cartoon 

  1. What message is the poster or cartoon trying to send? 

Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Homework January 27, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 

In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Look at the American Propaganda Posters  and Political Cartoons from World War II below. 

Level 1: Bullet 3 reasons explaining your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 

  1. Circle One:      Propaganda Poster                   Political Cartoon 

  1. What message is the poster or cartoon trying to send? 
  1. Circle One:      Propaganda Poster                   Political Cartoon 

  1. What message is the poster or cartoon trying to send? 

Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Parent Signature:________________________________

Homework-January 26, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Look at the American Propaganda Posters  and Political Cartoons from World War II below. 

Level 1: Bullet 3 reasons explaining your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 

  1. Circle One:      Propaganda Poster                   Political Cartoon 

  1. What message is the poster or cartoon trying to send? 

  1. Circle One:      Propaganda Poster                   Political Cartoon 

  1. What message is the poster or cartoon trying to send? 

Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Parent Signature:________________________________

Friday, January 23, 2015

Homework-Friday January 23, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Look at the political cartoons about Hiroshima below. 
  1. Decide whether the political cartoon is for or against the dropping of the atomic bomb. Circle your answer below each cartoon. 
  2. Explain the meaning of the political cartoon. 
Level 1: Bullet 3 supporting reasons for your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 


For the dropping of the atomic bomb        Against the dropping of the atomic bomb 


For the dropping of the atomic bomb        Against the dropping of the atomic bomb 


Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Homework-Thursday, January 22, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Look at the political cartoons about Hiroshima below. 
  1. Decide whether the political cartoon is for or against the dropping of the atomic bomb. Circle your answer below each cartoon. 
  2. Explain the meaning of the political cartoon. 
Level 1: Bullet 3 supporting reasons for your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 

For the dropping of the atomic bomb        Against the dropping of the atomic bomb 


For the dropping of the atomic bomb        Against the dropping of the atomic bomb 

Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Homework-Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
President Harry Truman warned the Japanese that is they did not surrender, they would face “a rain of ruin from the air the like of which has never been seen on this earth.” If you were the Japanese, what would your reaction be?

Level 1: Bullet 3 supporting reasons for your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 
Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Friday, January 16, 2015

Homework Friday January 16, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. 
Pick one of the views below that you most agree with. Give three supporting reasons why you agree with the view. If you do not agree with any of the above views, write your own along with three supporting reasons.
Source: American History Textbook, American Vision, pg. 615.
A.) Admiral William Leahy opposed using the bomb because it killed civilians. He believed that conventional (normal) bombing would convince Japan to surrender.
B.) Secretary of War Henry Stimson wanted to warn the Japanese about the
bomb while at the same time telling them that they could keep the emperor if they
C.) Secretary of State James Byrnes wanted to drop the bomb without any warning to shock Japan into surrendering.
D.) President Truman believed it was his duty as president to use every weapon available to
save American lives.
Pick one of the views above that you most agree with. Give two supporting reasons why you agree with the view. If you do not agree with any of the above views, write your own along with two supporting reasons. 
Level 1: Bullet 3 supporting reasons for your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 
Parent/Guardian:Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Homework- Thursday January 15, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework 
In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. How do you think the rest of the world viewed the dropping of the atomic bomb? 
How do you think the rest of the world reacted?
What example did the dropping of the atomic bomb set for the rest of the world? 
Level 1: Bullet 3 supporting reasons for your answer.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your answer.
Level 3: Write a full paragraph explaining your answer. 
Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 
Parent Signature:________________________________

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Homework-Tuesday, January 13, 2014

Social Studies/Art Homework 

In order to understand an event, it is important to look at different points of view. Pretend you are President Truman after the two atomic bomb attacks. Write a speech to the American people explaining your decision to drop the bombs. 
Level 1: Bullet 3 main reasons for your decision.
Level 2: Write 3 full sentences explaining your decision.
Level 3: Write a full speech explaining your decision. 
Please leave a comment below with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Homework Monday January 12, 2014

Social Studies/ Art Homework 
Using your pencil, sketch two different objects. Focus on the light and dark parts of the objects and use different values of grey to create dimension. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Homework-Wednesday January 7, 2015

Social Studies/Art Homework
January 7, 2015
Reflect on the documents you read about the atomic bomb attacks as well as your groups and the other group’s argument for or against the dropping of the bombs. Write down 4 main points from the other side of the argument.

My Group: ___________________________

The other group’s main points were:




Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Homework-Tuesday January 6, 2015

Two Historical Narratives 
Source: Excerpts from “Three Narratives of our Humanity” by John W. Dower, 1996. The following is from a book written by a historian about how people remember wars. John W. Dower explains the two different ways that the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is remembered.
Hiroshima as Victimization
Japanese still recall the war experience primarily in terms of their own victimization. For them, World War II calls to mind the deaths of family and acquaintances on distant battlefields, and, more vividly, the prolonged, systematic bombings of their cities.
If it is argued that the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima was necessary to shock the Japanese to surrender, how does one justify the hasty bombing of Nagasaki only three days later, before the Japanese had time to investigate Hiroshima and formulate a response?
Hiroshima as Triumph
To most Americans, Hiroshima—the shattered, atomized, irradiated city – remains largely a symbol of triumph – marking the end of a horrendous global conflict and the effective demonstration of a weapon that has prevented another world war.
It is hard to imagine that the Japanese would have surrendered without the atomic bomb. Japanese battle plans that were in place when the bombs were dropped called for a massive, suicidal defense of the home islands, in which the imperial government would mobilize not only several million fighting men but also millions of ordinary citizens who had been trained and indoctrinated to resist to the end with primitive makeshift weapons. For Japanese to even discuss capitulation (surrender) was seditious (against the law).
Guiding Questions
1. In 1-2 sentences each, explain the two narratives (stories) about Hiroshima.
2. Which narrative do you agree with more? Why? 

Homework Monday-January 5, 2014

Social Studies/Art Homework 
Based on what you learned today from diary entry of a survivor of the bombing of Hiroshima, write a persuasive essay about whether or not you think President Truman should have dropped the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 