Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Homework-September 21, 2018

iXL Homework

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Homework-September 20, 2018

iXL Homework

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Wednesday-September 19, 2018-NO SCHOOL

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

September 19, 2018

Please be reminded that on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 school will not be in session for Yom Kippur. We will be back in session Thursday, September 20, 2018. Have a wonderful and safe day off!

Homework-September 18, 2018

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

September 18, 2018

Wonderful job today! Complete the level below that we worked on together in class! 

Create a portrait design to represent your BOLD self to represent the meaning of the precept we have been studying "Fortune favors the BOLD."


Create a portrait design to represent your BOLD self to represent the meaning of the precept we have been studying "Fortune favors the BOLD." Use symbols to represent yourself.


Create a portrait design to represent your BOLD self to represent the meaning of the precept we have been studying "Fortune favors the BOLD." Use symbols and word designs to represent yourself.

Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________ 
Please leave any comments or questions you have below.

Have a wonderful night! 

Homework-September 17, 2018

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

September 17, 2018

Wonderful job today! Complete the level below that we worked on together in class! 

Read the precept shared with Auggie by his teacher. Then circle the answer
below that best reflects the meaning of the quote. Explain why you chose that answer.

“Fortune favors the BOLD!”
A.) Those who follow the pack will be the most successful
B.) Don’t listen to anyone

C.) Be yourself and you will be the most successful    
Read the precept shared with Auggie by his teacher. Then circle the answer below
that best reflects the meaning of the quote. Explain why you chose that answer.

“Fortune favors the BOLD!”
A.) Those who follow the pack will be the most successful
B.) Don’t listen to anyone
C.) Be yourself and you will be the most successful



Read the precept shared with Auggie by his teacher. Then write the precept in your own words and explain its meaning.

“Fortune favors the BOLD!”

Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________ 
Please leave any comments or questions you have below.

Have a wonderful night! 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Homework-September 14, 2018

iXL Homework

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Homework-September 13, 2018

iXL Homework

Please complete 15 minutes of work on iXL and complete the prompts below. 

Student name:_____________________          Date:_______________

Teacher name: Stillwagon         Class: Visual Arts 

What did you work on in iXL for HW? Check one:

Do you have any questions about what you worked on?

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Homework-September 12, 2018

Art Homework

Ms. Stillwagon

September 12, 2018

Wonderful job today! Complete the level below that we worked on together in class! 

Read the precept shared with Auggie by his teacher.
Then circle the answer below that best reflects the meaning of the quote.
Explain why you chose that answer.

“ No man is an island, entire of itself.” -John Donne
A.) I can do everything myself
B.) We all impact and help each other
C.) I can’t do anything by myself

Read the precept shared with Auggie by his teacher.
Then circle the answer below that best reflects the meaning of the quote.
Explain why you chose that answer.

“ No man is an island, entire of itself.” -John Donne
A.) I can do everything myself
B.) We all impact and help each other
C.) I can’t do anything by myself

Read the precept shared with Auggie by his teacher.
Then write the precept in your own words and explain its meaning.

Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________ 
Please leave any comments or questions you have below.

Have a wonderful night!